Etusivu|Lower costs, reliable maintenance, and responsibility – Bull Team Oy trusts Pellon automation

Lower costs, reliable maintenance, and responsibility – Bull Team Oy trusts Pellon automation

Ilpo Wennström, CEO of the dairy farm located in the municipality of Toholampi in western Finland, is a pioneer in environmentally friendly farming. At the farm, animal feeding has been automated with Pellon’s Feedline system, and an on-site biogas plant produces clean electricity for the farm’s needs. In addition to environmental friendliness, reliable maintenance and high quality, functional products were important when choosing the system supplier.

Significant environmental impacts with innovative expansions

Wennström has been running the Toholampi dairy farm since 1996. Over the years, the farm has grown and evolved significantly. Today, there are about 260 dairy cows on the farm, and together with young stock, the total number is 500.

In 2009, Wennström invested in a two-robot barn, which was equipped with a Pellon belt feeder, filling tables and a stationary feed mixer.

“Even back then, we knew we needed reliable and functional systems. In 2016, we expanded and acquired two more robots,” Wennström says.

“As part of the upgrade, the belt feeder was replaced with a newer version and the stationary mixer was changed to an 18-m3 mixer. At the same time, we also got two filling tables with ripper heads.”

The interest in an automatic feeding system fundamentally stemmed from the need to ensure good growth conditions.

“The well-being and health of the animals are our number one priority. When the animals receive consistent, fresh feed several times a day, production stays high. In addition, the ease of work and the reduction in working hours have been two major benefits,” says Wennström.

Combined with the production of electricity at the biogas plant, automation has made feeding cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The farm’s own biogas plants produce traffic gas and energy from municipal waste and cattle manure. The farm’s expansion goals are also clear.

“The carbon emission calculation for the farm has been completed, and we have prepared a 10-year plan and goals for it. In the same period, we aim to triple the number of animals,” says Wennström. Environmental goals can be achieved with the help of automatic feeding.

“The costs remain low and the carbon footprint decreases, which is important to us,” he adds.

“And automation does not commit workforce or require the same working hours as traditional tractor-operated feeding. Running this is low-cost, especially if you have your own bioplant. And sure, the energy is clean and free, there are no costs and no emissions,” Wennström says.

A reliable Finnish partner

Pellon Group Oy was selected as the supplier of the feeding systems especially because of its reliability and because it is Finnish. The farm had already had a good experience with milking and manure removal machines supplied by Pellon. Wennström emphasises the importance of maintenance and cooperation with the equipment supplier. Pellon specialists were also involved in the planning of the barn extension from the very beginning and also helped with the environmental permit applications. The cooperation has worked flawlessly.

“We value an equipment supplier that considers our farm a partner, a supplier that plans and thinks about solutions together with us, and listens to how we hope to evolve. All of this has been achieved in this cooperation. Given the level of investment, this is truly a comprehensive partnership,” Wennström praises.

“Before the investment, I learned a lot about the maintenance side of the company, and it does excellent work. We wanted a reliable Finnish system with solid maintenance. There should be no interruptions in feeding, even on holidays,” says Wennström.

“We have a maintenance contract with Pellon and the maintenance engineer knows to reserve consumables in advance – seriously proactive!” he chuckles.

An investment that pays for itself faster than expected

Wennström encourages also other farms to consider investing in an automatic feeding system.

“I can already see that this investment will pay for itself quickly in terms of milk yield, working hours and fuel costs. The fact that the system is so easy to use is a great advantage, because you even have to calculate the cost of your own work. Saving time is saving money,” Wennström explains.

“The fact that the system is so easy to use is a great advantage, because you also have to put a price for your own work. Saving time is saving money.”

“For example, during the weekend, we only have one employee. It takes half an hour to fill the filling tables. It is a perfect task for one person.”

“And in winter, you don’t need to open the large barn doors, which keeps the premises dry and at an even temperature. Even with severe frosts, the humidity in the barn does not turn to vapour,” he concludes.


“The fact that the system is so easy to use is a great advantage, because you also have to put a price for your own work. Saving time is saving money.”

Recent study supports environmental goals

According to a recent emission calculation study commissioned by Pellon Group, an automatic feeding system can offset the annual carbon dioxide emissions of a family of up to 3.5–4.5 persons if the use of a traditional, tractor-operated mixed-feed carrier is discontinued. The origin of the electricity used is also important in reducing emissions.

“The results are encouraging. This is a significant step towards more sustainable agriculture and more environmentally friendly operations,” says Pellon Group Oy CEO Juhani Torkko.

Envitecpolis Oy, a company specializing in biogas, energy and material efficiency, conducted the study on the environmental and cost impacts of an automatic feeding system at the request of Pellon Group Oy.


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Source of study: Envitecpolis Oy, emissions study 3/2024


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